Here are our most frequently asked questions

I bought a Webflow template, what plan should I sign up for?

There are beautiful, well-built, Webflow templates, but the learning curve to build in Webflow is long and we know it can take time to get to know the platform. In order for us to reskin the template, apply your brand colours, fonts, images, and copy / content — this does take quite a bit of time.

We recommend starting on the 20-hour bundle plan as we would need that initial time to understand the template, clean up the pages and CMS collections, save unused pages as drafts for SEO and Google indexing purposes, update all your website settings, from favicon to SEO, we make sure your project is setup for success and thats why we need more time for a template rebuild.

Once we have website built to your standards and needs. Then you can always downgrade to lower bundle or pause your subscription until you are ready to update it again.

Does this include custom UX/UI design in Figma?

No, we only use your existing components and design features in your current Webflow project or template you have bought.

If you're looking for a custom design or complete refresh — let's talk. Our sister company KHULA
can help with this.

Do my unused hours carry over each month?

No, you cannot bank or add up unused hours each month. If the hours are not used, they will not carry over. So submit regular tickets to keep your site updated and get the most value from your bundle.

How many tickets can I submit at once?

You can submit as many tickets as you want — they will sit in a queue in our system. We will only action one ticket at a time thus each ticket will work in sequence of priority. When you submit a ticket you can set the priority of the ticket so our dev team know which ticket to work on next.

Can I use my hours for advanced development requests?

Yes, even on the small bundle option we can cover advanced development however, more hours will probably be needed thus we recommend starting on a higher bundle plan to ensure we have enough hours for those complex tasks and updates.

How do I submit a ticket / request?

You can easily submit a ticket through our online form. Upload image files, word documents, PDFs, etc. The form will go straight into our system, where our dev team will pick up the ticket and start working through it immediately. 

We will also provide access to an online tool whereby you can easily add comments directly live on your website, making it easy to pinpoint precisely where you need the update done — making it easy for you while streamlining our communication process.

Do the plans include web strategy, consulting or video calls?

Unfortunately No. These plans are purely for Webflow development, maintenance, and support and do not include check-in calls, web strategy, consulting or advice. You have to know what you want or provide reference images or links and explain to us what you need done or updated. You can email us at support or submit tickets, but since we service and support tons of clients we do not offer video calls or in-person support. That would need to be handled by an agency or studio.

If you need help with custom brand strategy, brand identity design, UX/UI design, web strategy, consulting, SEO, or web copywriting, please visit our parent company KHULA

What is the typical turnaround time for updates?

48 to 72 hours, depending on how extensive and complex the task is. We will inform you beforehand if a specific update requires more time and hours. 

Can I downgrade my package once the initial significant updates are complete?

We don't want you to pay for something you're not using entirely. You can login here to manage your subscription and bundle. Or just email us, and we can arrange to change you to a smaller bundle. 

What if I only have a single request?

That's okay. You can pause your subscription when finished and return when you have additional development needs or updates based on your chosen bundle.

Can I use this service for my clients as an agency or studio?

Of course, you can, and we would love to be an extension of your service and business. You can complete our partnership inquiry form below to ensure we give you a unique discount code before signing up for one of our bundles.

Can I provide my Figma file (UX/UI Design) to develop the site from scratch?

This depends on how the UI boards have been designed in Figma and if they are all 100% fully complete with the actual web copy, images, styleguide, comments for interactions, etc.

So you can email us your Figma file and we'll take a look and let you know if you can sign up. The only bundle we will allow for this type of request is our 20 hour bundle above due to the extent of work involved.

Got questions? Chat with Jamie.